"aamar mukti aaloy aaloy ei akashe... aamar mukti dhulae dhulae ghashe ghashe..." you gave me the words,you gave me the tunes- brought me images of far flung mountains and sand dunes... gave me a vent,gave me a muse.... painted my vision with a myriad hues.....
Truth gets buried deep, beneath a thousand years of sleep, time demands a turn around,
And once again the truth is found!
I love it... that was beautifully said. Did you write that yourself? :) Amazing...
ummm...english part yes...
the bangla part are two lines from my favorite rabindra sangeet.
whos dis btw??
i read your previous posts: how do you manage to write such eerie, philosophical articles? i can't, try as i might!
and you're right: french is a more melifluous language, but then a language that calls cinema 'kino' can't be all bad either, can it? :)
hey thanks...
kino??dats cute!!!
i just know german in minimalistic bits!!!
n thanks for ur readership!!!
really touching...( I dont know what else to say,sorry)
um, totally unrelated, but you have a librarything! i love!
for the first time i'm readin something not so morbid in ur blog...nice to read, well woven thought, and excellent economy of language
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